Why & How to Write a Personal Statement for College
Applying to college is exciting and hectic at the same time because while there is a lot to anticipate for the future, you still have to nail the application. Among the most crucial documents of any university application is the personal statement, and creating it might be challenging. Knowing how to start a personal statement can set the tone for the entire piece, capturing attention right from the beginning. Learning how to write a personal statement for college can help you effectively highlight your strengths and present yourself authentically to admissions committees. Generally, it’s a synopsis of your achievements, goals, skills, interests, and involvements to present when applying for higher education and some scholarship programs. However, you may need to delve into what is a personal statement in detail, as various applications have their unique features to consider if you want to succeed.
Why is knowing how to write a personal statement necessary? Because of the number of applicants colleges receive, section panels often have a hard time determining suitable candidates from academic accolades alone. Personal statements make it easier to pick the right choices by allowing each student to make their application case even before any interviews.
Through this document, they learn about a student’s personality, passion, and anything that makes them suitable to study the particular course. It implies there’s pressure to make yours stand out. But don’t let that scare you. We’ve prepared some powerful writing tips and a guide to make it a fun and meaningful writing experience.
Several Essentials to Remember
Like any other form of crucial application document, you should prepare it before creating a personal statement. Preparation makes the process much easier as it helps gather all relevant information. Here’re crucial preparation steps you can follow.
- Research
What college or program are you applying to? Find out more about them, what they look for in their students, and what they anticipate from you as a potential student. The information will help you tailor your statement to meet their expectations.
- Reflect
The greatest essential tip on how to write a good personal statement is to tell a great story, and for that, you should reflect on your involvement. Think about your exposures, passion, interests, and any noteworthy achievements.
- Brainstorm
Develop ideas and write it all down, don’t worry about the structure. Just list down the ideas as they come to you. Once you’ve exhausted them, pick the best and start trying to develop your statement.
Proven Guidelines on How to Begin Personal Statement
Another significant component of our guide on how to write a personal statement for college is constructing the structure you should consider before writing. This encompasses three sections:
- An introduction
- Body paragraphs
- Conclusion
The intro is where you provide background information about yourself, highlighting your involvements, interests, and knowledge. This section should set the basis of the statement.
Next are the body paragraphs, where you go into detail about the central theme of the personal statement. After exhausting all the vital details and information, you are ready to conclude. The outro is supposed to sum up the whole statement.
A Bit More Regarding Beginning
Beginning a personal statement could be challenging because many students try too hard and overthink it. However, it is still a crucial part of your writing piece because it dictates the first impression you will have on the reviewers. So, here is some advice on your opening.
- Don’t Go Overboard
Don’t overthink your opening sentence. Aim to engage the reviewers with relevant information but don’t throw yourself off-topic trying to impress them.
- Consider Writing It After
As mentioned, many students get stuck trying to figure out how to begin personal statement, which may consume a lot of time. One way to avoid that is to jump into the main content and leave the opening for later. It would be easier because you’ll already know what you’re trying to introduce.
- Begin with a Hook
Once you’re ready to start writing, consider opening with a hook. The “hook” is a sentence or phrase that draws in the reader and makes them curious about what you have to say. Your hook can be an anecdote, a question, a quote, a statistic, or anything related to your personal statement’s main topic. After your hook, dive in and explain why you are applying for that specific program, highlighting your motivations and goals.
How to Sign a Personal Statement Correctly
In your final paragraph, restate the main points you’ve made in your personal statement. Restate your skills, experiences and reiterate your commitment to the course.
Then, thank the reviewers for taking the time to consider your application and granting you the opportunity to apply to their school. It shows you are appreciative and respectful, which works in your favor.
Finally, sign off at the end providing your name and contact information but use the official names like the rest of your applications; avoid using initials or nicknames.
There is another approach to consider when thinking about how to sign a personal statement. You can also use the bookend strategy; you link the introduction to the conclusion and use both to support the body. It favors those who prefer to write the intro after the rest of the text.
How Many Words Should a Personal Statement Be? The Right Length
One of the main questions applicants have is how many words should a personal statement be? There is no universal answer because different colleges and programs have varying requirements regarding word count. Some programs limit applicants to about 1-2 pages or 500-700 words, while others opt for more. Applicants should always stick to the provided guidelines.
Great Tips on How to Write a Personal Statement
A well-composed personal statement can be the difference between acceptance and rejection in your preferred institution. Here are some great tips to make your great personal statement for college stand out.
- Take your time – don’t rush the document. Start early to have ample time to write it.
- Be authentic – don’t copy or paraphrase someone else’s work. Seize the opportunity to express yourself.
- Keep it simple – write short and simple sentences and avoid fancy words.
- Organize your writing logically – use a chronological order to write about your experiences.
- Focus on your strengths – the personal statement is about selling yourself, so show yourself in a positive light.
- Proofread your statement multiple times and get a second opinion from a trusted individual.
The above tips on how to write a personal statement should prove useful, but here is a bonus for your peace of mind. Once you write and submit your application, don’t keep reading it; wait for the response. Rereading it makes you expect the worst.
Personal Statement How Many Words Are Needed for ERAS Application
Ultimately, we’d like to answer the question, ‘personal statement how many words should I write if there is no specified guideline?’ If there are not any recommendations from the admission committee, keep in mind that 700 words should be enough to write all the essential information without making it too long that you lose the reviewers’ attention. It’s also a versatile size if it comes to ERAS applications.
Do You Still Need Help With Your Personal Statement?
If you still need more answers or even help with your personal statement, we’re always ready to assist you to write one that leads to your success! Now that you know what is a personal statement for college is, remember—we’re here to help you craft it perfectly! Being a professional service with years of experience, we have access to many skilled writers well-versed in admission to numerous programs. Our experts are experienced with all types of application documents, so getting a quality personal statement from them is quick and enjoyable.
Don’t let the personal statement stress you; contact our writers today, and get one that will easily win!

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