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MHA Personal Statement: General Aspects, Ins & Outs

While most of the US population is located in the South, most Southerners tend not to have insurance, which is directly translated into a need for free healthcare. It demands more and more professionals in healthcare administration, so more people can enjoy an efficient public health service. Yet, someone who wants to graduate from an MHA program needs to have a previous undergraduate program, enough professional achievements and experience, and finally be able to pass the MHA personal statement.
The personal statement for masters in healthcare administration is a personal statement like any other, where the applicant needs to portray their enrollment aims and what makes them stand out from other MHA program candidates. And as said before, studying in such a program helps the student achieve a higher level of education that can eventually help both take care of and save millions of people’s lives who don’t have insurance.

Some of the MHA Programs in the US Where Students Can Apply

Having a well-composed personal statement for healthcare administration gives everyone a great chance to strengthen their application and be accepted successfully. Among numerous educational options, there are some top ones that consider candidates based on this application document.

  • University of Minnesota MHA: Focusing on the development of each health professional, the program offers a more practical curriculum to graduate more efficient and productive professionals.
  • George Washington University MHA: Located in the Milken Institute of Public Health, the program which can be taken both physically or online, requires students to have a minimum of 3 years of experience.
  • John Hopkins MHA: Bloomberg School of Public Health offers a professional, rigorous, and top-notch program that also allows students to receive accreditations and memberships to CAHME and AUPHA.
  • Harvard T.H Chan HPM: Harvard’s Healthcare Policy and Management program is an incredibly efficient and professional experience students are able to obtain in theory, practice, and applied skills.
  • Georgetown University MHSA: A full-time learning program that focuses on practice and competency as well as offering accreditation to the CAHME.
  • University of Michigan MHSA: Focuses on the financing, management, marketing, and organization of healthcare services and providers – a top-notch program to gain more professional qualifications.

Get Started With Good Healthcare Personal Statement Examples

Before starting with your personal statement MHA, we highly recommend stocking up on a couple of good examples. This will not only illustrate writing guidelines well, but it will also give you an idea of what the winning document should look like.

healthcare administration personal statement samplehealthcare management personal statement sample

Each of the healthcare personal statement examples presented here is a genuine MHA document that we have been kindly allowed to use by past clients. They have achieved their goals with these samples, so feel free to use them to get inspired and know more about proper structure & context.

However, we do not recommend directly using the text from the sample statement of purpose for healthcare administration. Your own must be a unique piece of writing, well-personalized and adapted to the specifics of a particular MHA program.

How to Write a Personal Statement MHA

Due to the high responsibility related to the importance of this document, creating an MHA personal statement may be challenging. If you don’t take care while writing one of these, you may as well fail and make yourself a less-than-average applicant for the admission committee. That’s why we recommend you follow these steps:

  • Read the personal statement instructions carefully: Every university has a set of instructions for each personal statement MHA. Take a good look at your desired career and ensure it goes according to what’s needed.
  • Create a good structure: A good personal statement structure should be based on an introduction, a body & a conclusion. Tell your life as a doctor and your previous experience in the introduction and body, then talk about your future goals, expectations from the MHA program & hopes in conclusion.
  • Start and conclude strongly: An efficient way to create an MHA personal statement is by starting and concluding strongly. Make good remarks and statements about your passion and personal motivations while starting, and then conclude with your goals and the belief that you are the best fit.
  • Ask help from other people: People with previous knowledge of MHA personal statements can help you create a better one. They will allow you to know where you are less efficient and where you are good enough. Improve accordingly.
  • Avoid silly remarks and generalizations: Silly comments like putting yourself like a good doctor, a strong worker, someone with grit, and such can make you look less engaging. Avoid this in an MHA personal statement and focus better on your experience, practical cases, motivations & goals.

Alan Bullock, a Career Advisor from Which? University also recommends showcasing your skills as a professional, “But don’t simply list off the skills you think you have – think about which ones relate most readily to the course you’re applying to. Then demonstrate how you’ve developed, used and continued to strengthen these.”

Mistakes in Sample Statement of Purpose for Healthcare Administration

Writing your MHA application document may seem like an easy job, but it can be extremely difficult and sometimes make the applicant nervous and anxious. But if you take a look at the following common mistakes in the sample statement of purpose for healthcare administration, you may avoid this anxiety and nervousness:


Sometimes applicants forget what a personal statement MHA is and how it can help them be admitted into a nursing program like this. Simply, a personal statement for masters in public administration consists of explaining the reasons and motivations to apply. Additionally, you can explain briefly your interest in the field, your love for the career, and something you must do no matter what – talk about personal experience and how it may help you advance professionally. As simple as this, but it usually makes students feel confused, like in this MHA personal statement example:

“As a 29-year old white man, my purpose as a healthcare professional has been to help people from my country when it comes to health. Yet, my career has been so good that I’m thinking of keeping my studies and advance as a professional so I can offer a better service to my patients and clients. My first job was an assistant doctor, and then I started to learn everything I need to know to become better, from how to treat infections to cure harder and more complex conditions like hepatitis and such. But as an inexperienced doctor, I got sick at my first job one month after starting”

As you see in the example, the applicant forgot about the purpose of his MHA personal statement and started to write about his experience in a specific way – something that is not recommended, especially when you talk about getting sick…


Even though the previous example could also be used here, we have an even better example of how an unorganized personal statement MHA with a wrong format and null writing skills can harm your admission. Take a look:

“I started working as a doctor in 2010 and from then I’ve taken care of more than 1000 patients in the course of 6 years. I graduate in 2009 but my studies weren’t enough so I took a course on nursing for 1 year. My experience has been vastly helpful but I still think I need more studies to become better. Not a single life has been lost thanks to my skills and patients are always satisfied with my treatments.

From here I want to keep going in my career and professional knowledge. My family has been greatly honored and supportive from and for me. As a doctor, I’m accomplished and happy but keep my studies is a must now. Hope I can get into this program. Thanks!”

By simply skimming through this fragment of a sample statement of purpose for healthcare administration, you can see how the applicant didn’t work on the format, text polishing, and content organization. Thus, his writing has no flow and is a little tricky to read. Avoid this and try to be more engaging for better MHA admission opportunities.

Get Expert Help With Personal Statement for Healthcare Administration

When considering the need for professional help, would you risk your maybe only opportunity to be admitted? If not, hiring a proficient expert who is able to assist with an MHA personal statement creation will be a wise decision. And our specialists can be the best choice to make because of their:

  • Qualifications and expertise – due to the harsh screening, there are only top specialists with checked backgrounds, genuine writing talent, deep knowledge of MHA admission process nuances & pitfalls, and hundreds of university essay prompts written.
  • Dedication to #1 results – we don’t aim to simply create an MHA personal statement but develop a well-personalized one targeted to your win.
  • Ability to create masterpieces – we produce each text from scratch based on your materials and particular program features we gain after meticulous research.
  • Reliability and responsibility – which are strengthened by strict deadline adherence, 24/7 support, and an opportunity to revise your personal statement MHA until you’re totally satisfied with it.

Hire a professional to do their best with your Masters in Health Administration application, creating the document that impresses the MHA admission committee and proves your excellence. With our experienced writing service and good MHA personal statement examples, you will leave your competitors no chance and be able to get admission effortlessly.

Contact us today and receive the best help with your personal statement!